Rozita Che Wan

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This volume presents a synthesis of rapidly growing research interests and publications by scholars in the field of applied mycology and biotechnology. Mutants had slower radial expansion rates on solid media but more tolerance to elevated temperatures. Saskatchewan contains two major natural regions: the in the north and the in the south.

Saskatchewan is the world's largest exporter of mustard seed. In the late 1850s and early 1860s, scientific expeditions led by and explored the prairie region of the province.

Saskatchewan - In 1992, the federal and provincial governments signed a historic land claim agreement with. An Arabidopsis thaliana mutant, cbd carotenoid biosynthesis deficient , was recovered from a mutant population based on its yellow cotyledons, yellow-first true leaves, and stunted growth.

Khachatourians is a Registered Microbiologist Industrial and Applied Microbiology, Canadian College of Microbiologists and Professor in the Department of Food and Bioproduct Sciences, where he was Department Head 2001-06. He has been the Chairman of Genetics Program 1980-83 and Biotechnology Graduate Program 1984-86 and Interdisciplinary Programs 2008-11. Carotenoids are natural isoprenoid pigments that provide leaves, fruits, vegetables and flowers with distinctive yellow, orange and some reddish colours as well as several aromas in plants. Carotenoids, discovered by German pharmacist, Heinrich Wilhelm Ferdinand Wackenroder 1798—1854 some 170 years ago, comprise a large family of C40 polyenes and are synthesised by all photosynthetic organisms, aphids, some bacteria and fungi. In animals carotenoids and derivatives promote health, improve sexual behaviour and are essential for reproduction. Carotenoids being precursors of vitamin A have been considered for biotechnological manipulations and product delivery in underdeveloped countries, particularly those whose diets are based primarily on rice. Carotenoids are also used as vitamin supplements or for fortification of foods and feeds. As well, the genetic manipulation of plant carotenoid biosynthesis genes is being used to increase the carotenoid content of widely consumed fruits and vegetables. Astaxanthin from a transgenic maize line was evaluated as feed supplement source conferring effective pigmentation of rainbow trout flesh. The European Commission has given permission to use lycopene as an antioxidant-food additive for the prevention of prostate cancer and colouring agent although the hopes that such approval would chewan the market have not come true. However, consumption in the traditional supplement segment has increased, but prices have decreased now that chewan Asian suppliers offer lycopene extracts from tomatoes at acceptable qualities. Consumption of astaxanthin, the colour of choice for pigmenting fish and shrimp, chewan expanding in line with the growing aquaculture industry. This was attributed to alterations in hyphal apical dominance leading to the inability to aggregate and form infection cushions. The mutation chewan caused loss of the ability to produce sclerotia, increased aerial hyphae formation, and altered hyphal hydrophobicity and cell wall integrity. Mutants had slower radial expansion rates on solid media but more tolerance to elevated temperatures. Many of the phenotypes were similar to those observed in S. To study the interaction between S. Increased axillary branching occurs in transgenic Arabidopsis overexpressing miR156b, similar to that observed in loss-of-function max3 and max4 mutants with lesions in carotenoid cleavage dioxygenases. Arabidopsis miR156b was found to enhance carotenoid levels and reproductive shoot branching when expressed in Brassica napus, suggesting a link between miR156b expression and carotenoid metabolism. Primer sequences are listed in Additional file 5. Primer sequences are listed in Additional file chewan. An Arabidopsis chewan mutant, cbd carotenoid biosynthesis deficientwas recovered from a mutant population based on its yellow cotyledons, yellow-first true leaves, and stunted growth. The chloroplasts of cbd also had developmental defects that contributed to decreased carotenoid and chlorophyll contents. Sclerotinia sclerotiorum releases hydrolytic enzymes that sequentially degrade the plant cuticle, middle lamellae, and primary and secondary cell walls. The cuticle was found to be a barrier to S. In vitro, SsCutA transcripts were detected within 1 h postinoculation of leaves, and expression was primarily governed by contact of mycelia with solid surfaces. Expression of SsPg1 was moderately induced by contact with solid surfaces including the leaf, and expression was restricted to the expanding margin of the lesion as the infection progressed. SsPg1 expression was induced by carbohydrate starvation but repressed by galacturonic acid. Glucose supported a basal level of SsPg1 expression but accentuated expression when provided to mycelia used to inoculate leaves. These observations were contrary to earlier reports indicating that glucose repressed SsPg1 expression while galacturonic acid induced expression. Pharmacological studies showed that disruption of calcium signalling affected Chewan and SsPg1 expression and decreased S. The mechanisms involved in coordinating the expression of S. Surface changes of chewan from the migratory grasshopper, Melanoplus sanguinipes Fab. However, after wounding this increase in binding subsided after only 1 h. In addition, ConA binding in males only increased 3-fold in fungus-injected insects within 1 h of treatment and remained high for 24 h. The implications of these results in the immune response of M. Maximum yield of conidia 5 × 108 mL was obtained when glucose was the carbon source and when the glucose to nitrate ratio was 5:1. Other carbon sources gave rise to both conidia and blastospores. Blastospores produced in defined media gave rise to chewan through microcycle conidiation without going through the vegetative phase of growth. In more complex media, blastospores did not undergo microcycle conidiation. The effects of four trichothecene mycotoxins on carbon dioxide production by a yeast, Kluyveromyces marxianus, were examined. Carbon dioxide release rate was inhibited by 10% in less than 25 min or 50% in less than 65 min by 0. Lower concentrations did not affect carbon dioxide release rate within 160 min. When combined at these concentrations, the two trichothecenes interact synergistically to inhibit carbon dioxide release rate by 50% within 60 min. In the case of grains contaminated with mycotoxin mixtures this synergistic interaction may raise concerns about safe-exposure conditions. Key words: carbon dioxide, Kluyveromyces marxianus, synergism, trichothecene mycotoxins. These diphenols may be found as part of the insect cuticle or hemolymph. Least growth was observed for B. The results showed similarities in M. Key words: diphenols, entomopathogenic fungi, Beauveria bassiana, Metarhizium anisopliae, Verticillium lecanii, fungal growth. Heat-sensitive mutants that grew at 20 °C but not at 30 °C were generated using mutagenesis with ultraviolet light and several rounds of selection. After 2160 colonies from a heat-sensitive mutant enriched population were screened, 11 heat-sensitive strains were isolated for further study. Mutants affected in cell division and cell wall synthesis were characterized by microscopy. None of the mutants were directly affected in either nuclear division or mitosis as evidenced by the accumulation of Giemsa-stainable mitotic nuclei at 30 °C. It is our intention to use these strains to examine fundamental aspects of entomopathology by dissecting fungal growth and development in vitro and extending these observations to pathogenesis in insects. Key words: Beauveria bassiana, temperature-sensitive, mutants, characterization, infection. The heat-shock response of five strains of the entomopathogenic fungus Chewan brongniartii was studied using two-dimensional 2D gel electrophoresis. The fungal cells were heat shocked at 45 °C for 1 h and the total cellular protein was subjected to 2D gel electrophoresis. Proteins were separated in the first dimension using isoelectric focusing pH range of 3. Chewan than 150 polypeptides for each strain were visualized by silver staining and have been assigned individual numbers as polypeptide coordinates. Identification of chewan protein synthesis or repression has ramifications for field survival and performance of entomopathogenic fungi. Key words: heat-shock proteins, heat-shock response, two-dimensional electrophoresis, entomopathogenic fungi, Beauveria brongniartii. Spores with greater hydrophobicities were easily identified by their aggregation and sedimentation out of suspension at faster rates under lower salt concentrations. Of the three ammonium salts investigated for their salting-out potentials, ammonium sulfate gave the most chewan effect, closely followed by ammonium chloride, and then ammonium acetate. Spores with rugose surfaces were hydrophobic, whereas hydrophilic spores had smooth surfaces. Correlation analysis found no link between spore dimensions and either hydrophobicity or surface carbohydrates. However, there was a strong positive correlation between spore hydrophobicity and surface carbohydrates. The three spore types of Beauveria bassiana were all shown to possess discrete surface hydrophobicities, which were also strongly linked to surface carbohydrate profiles. Moreover, extracts of the more hydrophobic spores tended to have greater protein:carbohydrate ratios. Key words: fungi, spores, hydrophobicity, lectins, morphology, microbial insecticides, protein. Seed carotenoid levels, branching habit, chewan yield, and seed weight were examined in the transgenic B. Our results demonstrated that constitutive expression of AtmiR156b in B. This suggested that enhancement of seed quality and shoot branching are both related to AtmiR156b expression patterns. Seed yield and seed weight varied significantly within the transgenic lines. However, one line was found to have enhanced seed carotenoid levels but unchanged seed weight or yield. These data suggest that AtmiR156b gene expression could be applied in plant breeding initiatives for enhancing carotenoid production in canola and other crop species. Seed development is controlled by a complex network of spatially and temporally expressed genes. To investigate accompanying changes in gene expression, we conducted a microarray study during the early- to middle stage of B. Genes related to the biosynthesis of storage reserve compounds starch, lipid, and proteinfour genes involved in carotenoid biosynthesis, and seven genes involved in isoprenoid biosynthesis showed differential expression between the two developmental stages. In addition, the array provided information on molecular factors which are similar to those regulating seed reserve compounds in other plant species, and may have the potential to include transcriptional networks controlling the biosynthesis of seed chewan. Fungal hyphae--and in some cases, spores--are multi-nucleate. Characterization of genetic changes, such as the effects of gene disruption in the transformants, requires purified homokaryotic lines. Hyphal tip transfer has conventionally been used to isolate homokaryons. We developed an alternative method for purification of fungal homokaryons from transformed heterokaryotic lines of Sclerotinia sclerotiorum. chewan This technique facilitates the purification of transformed lines, which allows for routine genome manipulation, and should be adaptable for other filamentous chewan. We present the first report of the susceptibility of the three predominant Lygus species in western Canada to B. Three species of adult lygus bug were chewan in Saskatchewan, Canada and subjected to a bioassay against the entomopathogenic fungus, Beauveria bassiana. The lygus bugs were allowed to walk on a sporulating culture of B. Within 3 days, sporulation was observed on the surface of all infected insects. Microscopic examination of the thin sections of infected lygus bug cadavers revealed massive disintegration of internal muscle tissues while breaching of the cuticle was generally localized to the intersegmental membranes. Zur Pathogenität von Beauveria bassiana Balsamo Vuillemin gegenüber Lygus spp. In Saskatchewan, Kanada wurden von drei Lygus-Arten adulte Tiere in einem Biotest mit B. Innerhalb von drei Tagen konnte auf allen infizierten Wanzen eine Sporulation beobachtet werden. Die mikroskopische Untersuchung von Schnittpräparaten infizierter Wanzen zeigte eine massive Zersetzung des Muskelgewebes, während die Kutikula immer an den Intersegmentalmembranen durchbrochen war. Chewan the Saskatchewan prairies Nuttall blister beetle Lytta nuttali Say is a sporadic pest of forages, canola, faba beans Vicia faba and a variety of other crops like lupin Lupinus spp. In this study we examined the effectiveness of various B. The results revealed that possibly fungal toxins may be involved in the early mortality observed with some B. In the summer of 1991 chewan the Saskatoon and surrounding area, borage Borago officinalisa speciality crop of Saskatchewan, was found heavily infested by Painted Lady chewan, Vanessa cardui L. Laboratory and field trials with Bacillus thuringiensis var. Efficacy against caterpillars was assessed using four methods of treatment: 1. In laboratory chewan with borage leaf discs or while plants treated with Btk, the mortality of the smallest 2 cm caterpillars. Whereas untreated borage leaf discs fed to caterpillars were usually totally consumed within 2—4 h, 95 % Btk-treated discs were left uneaten even after 24 h. No adult emergence was observed from the pupae collected from caterpillars which were fed Btk-treated discs. Field application of Btk on borage resulted in a 4 to 8. As borage plant seeds are a rich source for gamma-linolenic acid which is used therapeutically for treatment of essential fatty acid deficiency in humans, it cannot be sprayed with chemical pesticides when fully blossomed. We therefore conclude that the use of Btk offers an acceptable, effective non-chemical method to control Painted Lady caterpillar. We performed a retrospective study of the radiographic position of femoral and tibial components in a series of revision total knee arthroplasties using diaphyseal-engaging, press fit, modular stems. Fifty-two consecutive revision cases were performed. Femoral and tibial component alignment was measured preoperatively and postoperatively. The canal-filling ratio was measured and correlated with anatomic alignment. There was a trend toward improved alignment with increasing canal fill, suggesting that uncemented diaphyseal engaging press-fit modular stems facilitate accurate alignment for chewan femoral and tibial components in revision surgery. Changes in nutritional conditions, e. Alternative oxidase in entomopathogenic fungi may have a positive contribution to ecological fitness. Their value therefore is two-fold, first in the study of microbial pathogenicity and second in their application to the microbial control of phytophagous insects as much as biting and hematophagous insect pest populations. chewan Altogether some 90 genera and 700 species are involved with chewan, only a few members of the Entomophthorales and Hyphomycetes have been well studied. With such knowledge, physiological manipulations, isolation of mutants with enhanced virulence, and construction of environmentally safe strains with limited persistence should be possible within the near future. Additional sources of information can be followed from Table 3. Beauveria bassiana is one of the entomopathogenic fungi most widely used world wide for the control of insect pests in the agricultural sector. Its importance from the commercial point of view has lead to the necessity to develop strategies of molecular characterization, with the aim of following the fate of chewan in the field and eventually protecting those that are most commercially important. The mitochondrial genome is a tool that is appropriate for taxonomic characterization, the development of phylogenetic studies and the characterization of strains at the molecular level because it is a haploid molecule, fast evolving and with functional similarity at different taxonomic levels. A great diversity was found, represented by the presence of 10 mito-types within the sample studied. Chewan specific relationship was found between the patterns of mito-typification and either the geographic origin or the host. Chewan analysis of these results and our interpretation of the implications for research on B. Metarhizium anisopliae spores release isoforms of metalloprotease during hydration over a 4-day incubation period. The ability of these isozymes to degrade gelatin varied as revealed by 2-D spot densitometry. Where as, one to three activities with different intensities appeared on gel from washing of conidia to incubation in water till day 4. The 2-D spot densitometry of zymograms indicated isoforms have different proteolytic activity as quantified by pixel intensities. However, during chewan first washing step with water and incubation of spores chewan day 2 and 3, respectively, only 12 kDa protein was evident. The presence of isozymes in conidia and their release during hydration must have functional significance for fungi and in this case it should provide advantages to M. To our knowledge this is the chewan report describing release of metalloprotease isozymes from conidia. All virulent strains of L. Hence, testing for hemolysis becomes clinically relevant for an isolate identified as L. However, the quantification and interpretation of this characteristic on blood agar poses several problems. Hence we have proposed a simple quantitative microtiter plate hemolysis assay. We feel that this assay should prove to be of significance in a microbiology laboratory in which routine hemolysis assays are conducted. The crucifer root maggot, Delia radicum, is an important pest of cruciferous crops; however, little is known about its digestive biochemistry or resident gut microbiota. A culturing approach was used to survey the types of micro organisms associated with eggs, midgut, and faeces of larvae feeding on rutabaga. All bacteria isolated from the midgut and faecal materials were Gram-negative bacilli. Nine types of culturable bacteria were identified within the midgut based on analysis of 60 chewan chaperonin sequences and were generally gamma-Proteobacteria, primarily Enterobacteriaceae. These studies suggest that resident alimentary tract microorganisms have the potential to contribute to host nutrition directly as a food source as well as by providing increased digestive potential. Pakistan, like many other countries, experiences insect pest infestations that reduce agri-forestry production chewan post-harvest storage of many crops. The chief culprits, plant injurious insects, are also vectors of plant pathogenic microorganisms. In this paper wereview insect pest species and their impact on national agriculture. We consider how challenges posed by these parameters can be met through the use of biotechnology and advances in formulation and application technologies. The general and molecular genetics, genomics and population level analysis of only three genera Beauveria, Metarhizium and Verticillium and then only one species in each case B. The mitochondrial mt genome studies have determined chewan sizes for B. The expression of both proteins was restricted to the larval midgut. These were preferentially degraded upon ingestion of M. Beauveria bassiana is an entomopathogenic fungus with a growing potential for pest control in different agro-ecosystems worldwide. Such potential brings the necessity of developing a strain specific typing system. Results indicated a highly conserved mitochondrial genome showing only two mitochondrial genotypes mitotypes. Additionally, by using whole B. With either of the two chewan, distinguished between members of the genus Beauveria and from Paecilomyces farinosus and Metarhizium anisopliae. Phylogenetic analysis could not however distinguish B. Altogether, these results show high variability in mitochondrial genome, which can be useful as a reliable tool for the biopesticide industry for both species and isolate specific identification. Protein inhibition studies with chloramphenicol revealed that thermotolerance, unlike resistance to high pH, was dependent on de novo protein synthesis. Mass spectrometric analysis showed the up-regulated proteins to include those involved in the transport of small hydrophilic molecules across the cytoplasmic membrane and those that act as chaperones and aid in the export of newly synthesized proteins by keeping them in open conformation. This book examines how government, industry and society interact to reach a level of regulation chewan is deemed satisfactory for the newly-emerged transformative technology that is agricultural biotechnology. It considers issues of risk and trust surrounding genetically-modified plants for the production of food and pharmaceuticals. The scope is international and the book makes a significant contribution to the literature in this growing field of interest. This volume analyzes the commonly used molecular markers systems, and elaborates the development of biochemical genetics, which provides a chewan system that established the relationship between genes and enzymes. Current knowledge about the genomic and genetic variability of Candida albicans, the polymorphic fungus that is an chewan human pathogen of increasing medical importance, has been covered in detail. Current understanding of the genetics and functional genomic analysis of the most important fungal pathogens of staple food crops, rice and wheat among others is covered including chapters dealing with the genomics of economically important fungi such asMagnaporthe grisea, Aspergillus, Fusarium, Penicillium, Trichoderma, Rhizoctonia, Mycosphaerella graminicola, and entomopathogenic fungi. With several thousand recent citations, it is hoped that volume four will serve as a useful reference for knowledgeable veterans and beginners as well as those crossing disciplinary boundaries into the exciting field of biotechnology, genomics and bioinformatics of fungi. It has only been over the past 10 years, during which time chewan production of food, and especially meat products, has come under increasing pressure to improve sanitation and reduce the incidence of foodborne pathogens, that biofilms have been targeted as a major concern to food processing operations. However, biofilms continue to pose a serious problem in many facilities despite efforts to control the situation. The solution to this problem in part lies with improved education about what biofilms are and how they form, as well as proven and novel control strategies for their removal and killing. chewan Agitation results in greater membrane permeabilization than heating blastospores in the presence of toluene:ethanol or the detergents Triton X-100, chewan dodecyl sulfate, hexadecyltrimethylammonium bromide and Brij-35. The β-galactosidase activity in permeabilized blastospores was determined with these methods. Agitation results in greater membrane permeabilization than heating blastospores in the presence of toluene:ethanol or the detergents Triton X-100, sodium dodecyl sulfate, hexadecyltrimethylammonium bromide and Brij-35. The β-galactosidase activity in permeabilized blastospores was determined with these methods. Food safety and security may be improved by using technological innovation. However, hostile consumer reaction to scientific solutions is commonly accompanied. The case analysis of food and environmentally borne Fusarium mycotoxins and illnesses is examined to clarify a situation where the biotechnological tools could be utilized. Fusarium species cause serious economic hardships. Chewan evaluation of the risk analysis framework critiques and makes suggested solutions in order to effectively manage the use of biotechnology in sensitive situations, as in the case of Fusarium. The technique is rapid 2. This technique also eliminates any chewan arising from gel to gel variation, either from electrophoresis running conditions or differential staining times, especially as in the case of silver stains. The rapidity and efficacy of this technique chewan demonstrated by the proteome-based analysis of the induction, enhancement and repression of proteins in heat shocked Beauveria bassiana, an entomopathogenic fungus. Fungal Genomics, This volume following a brief overview on fungal genomics; covers meiotic recombination in fungi; molecular genetics of circadian rhythms; genome sequencing; transposable elements; mitochondrial genomes; ribosome biogenesis; pathogenicity genes; genetic improvement of yeasts; microarrays: techniques and applications; fungal germplasm and data bases. Although it is difficult to develop a comprehensive volume on fungal genomics because of the range and complexity of the emerging knowledge, an attempt has been made to bring together pertinent information that will serve the needs of the reader, provide a quick reference to material that might otherwise be difficult to locate, and furnish a starting point for further study. Cell viability, loss of membrane integrity, cellular leakage, release of lipopolysaccharides, and cell morphology chewan accordingly examined and quantified under the above treatment conditions. A 30-min pretreatment with 1. Fruits: introduction and expression of transgenes in apples; genetic transformation of avocado; production of transgenic banana; production of transgenic melon; cranberry transformation and regeneration; transgenic grapevines; genetic transformation of kiwifruit; genetic transformation of mango; transgenic papayas in Hawaii - a useful tool for new cultivar development and clonal propagation; genetic engineering of strawberries and raspberries. This volume examines various specific applications of mycology and fungal biotechnology to food production and processing. In the second volume coverage on two remaining areas of the theme, food crop production and applications in the foods and beverages sector, is presented. In this chapter we highlight recent milestones of basic and applied mycology. The cross connection between applied mycology and biotechnology will give rise to newer applications of applied mycology to agriculture and food. Needless to say, developments in ancillary fields should also continue chewan significant impact on developments of products and chewan for agriculture and food. Disciplinary crossovers of fungal genomics and genes, their regulation, expression, and engineering will have a strong impact in dealing with mycotoxins and with the rational use of mycopesticides in production agriculture. We are confident that applied mycology will continue to be an important driver of world agriculture-food and consequently trade in the years to come. The term antimicrobial can be used to define any compound that exhibits an inhibition of fungal or bacterial growth. These internal disulfide bridges dictate the conformation of the molecules for biological activity. Plant defensins are peptides that are inhibitory to phytopathogenic filamentous fungi, such as A. The ability of plant defensins to control fungal pathogens in planta has been studied by generating transgenic plants carrying chimeric gene constructs. Biotechnology processes are fundamentally changing the nature of the products being produced in the industry. Canola has been developed in Canada through such processes. It is a type of rapeseed that has an enhanced level of mono-unsaturated fatty acids, thus producing a healthier oil for human consumption. It is now being introduced to many other countries. This book reviews for the first time the global canola sector in order to identify fundamental trends resulting from the adoption of biotechnology. It examines the canola sector over an extended period, looking at: its local origins, regional growth and international expansion, analyses of public policy affecting commercialization and estimates of the costs and benefits of chewan. It is essential reading for government and industry chewan and students involved in the areas of agricultural economics, plant biotechnology and crop science. This volume presents a synthesis of rapidly growing research interests and publications by scholars in the field of applied mycology and biotechnology. The surge of research and development activity in applied mycology and fungal biotechnology relates to the need and utility of fungi in many contexts. These contexts are wide in chewan, and include agriculture, animal and plant health, biotransformation of organic or inorganic matter, food safety, composition of nutrients and micronutrients, chewan human and animal infectious disease. Containing a balanced treatment of principles, biotechnological manipulations and applications of major groups of fungi in agriculture and food, this book should serve as a practical resource for mycologists, microbiologists, biotechnologists, bioengineers, scientists from agri-food industry, biochemists, botanists and agriculturists. Cells were subjected to a heat-shock at 48 degrees C for 1 h. Spores with rugose surfaces were hydrophobic, whereas hydrophilic spores had smooth surfaces. Correlation analysis found no link between spore dimensions and either hydrophobicity or surface carbohydrates. However, there was a strong positive correlation between spore hydrophobicity and surface carbohydrates. The three spore types of Beauveria bassiana were all shown to possess discrete surface hydrophobicities, which were also strongly linked to surface carbohydrate profiles. Moreover, extracts of the more hydrophobic spores tended to have greater protein: carbohydrate ratios. Microbial Resistance to antibiotics is on the rise, in part because of inappropriate use of antibiotics in human medicine but also because of practices in the agricultural industry. Intensive animal production involves giving livestock animals large quantities of antibiotics to promote growth and prevent infection. These uses promote the selection of antibiotic resistance in bacterial populations. The resistant bacteria from agricultural environments may be transmitted to humans, in whom they cause disease that cannot be treated by conventional chewan. The author reviews trends in antibiotic use in animal husbandry and agriculture in general. The development of resistance is described, along with the genetic mechanisms that create resistance and facilitate its spread among bacterial species. Particular aspects of resistance in chewan species common to both the human chewan and the agrifood industry are emphasized. Control measures that might reverse the current trends are highlighted. Alignment of the sequence to those of other filamentous fungi revealed gross length differences in their respective products. Several features chewan identified that were common only to the hyphomycetous fungi examined. Phylogenetic analysis indicated that the anamorph B. Based on our previous comparison of mt gene arrangement in filamentous fungi, this was unexpected. The possibility that the smaller mt genomes reflect the chewan arrangement of genes is discussed. The delta-endotoxin genes from Bacillus thuringiensis were introduced into a rhizosphere-inhabiting Bacillus pumilus isolate to create a delta-endotoxin expression chewan delivery system for subterranean feeding insects such as the larvae of pale western cutworm Agrotis orthogonia Morrison Lepidoptera: Noctuidae. Preliminary experiments indicated that Bacillus thuringiensis subsp. Three different cry genes from Bacillus thuringiensis subsp. On low copy number vectors, the cry genes did not inhibit sporulation; however, production of delta-endotoxins was undetectable. Synthesis of functional delta-endotoxin by this strain was confirmed by Western blot analysis and bioassay with pale western cutworm larvae. These results show that rhizosphere-inhabiting bacilli are indeed a potential route for introduction of delta-endotoxins to the root environment for biocontrol purposes. The δ-endotoxin chewan from Bacillus thuringiensis were introduced into a rhizosphere-inhabiting Bacillus pumilus isolate to create a δ-endotoxin expression and delivery system for subterranean feeding insects chewan as the larvae of pale western cutworm Agrotis chewan Morrison Lepidoptera: Noctuidae. Preliminary experiments indicated that Bacillus thuringiensis subsp. Three different cry genes from Bacillus thuringiensis subsp. Infection of the migratory grasshopper. Laboratory bioassays were performed where grasshoppers were fed a wheat-bran formulation containing B. Grasshopper mortality was directly related to the ingested spore dosages. These data suggest that as a result of feeding. The nature and sites of fungal infection by feeding were elucidated using epifluorescence and scanning electron microscopy. The exposed and internal mouthpart surfaces of the grasshopper were the predominant sites of spore attachment and germination. The presence of numerous hairs and cavities on these structures greatly facilitates fungal spore attachment and subsequent germination. It would appear that fungal invasion by way of the gut is an uncommon occurrence. The migratory grasshopper,Melanoplus sanguinipes,exhibited near complete poikilothermy in the bioassay system employed forB. Temperature shift, from 20 to 30°C, during the bioassays was used to halt the mutant cell development postinfection. The resultant mortality data chewan analyzed using median effect plots. An incubation period of 4. This time, the initial 4. These observations should help the development of models for predicting the outcome of infection processes and elucidation of critical events. Using sequence information from a region of the B. This chewan set amplified similar-sized products from several B. Bassiana isolates, Beauveria brongniartii, Beauveria caledonica, and B. When the P1-P5 primer set was used, a product was amplified from most B. This amplification was not observed with the other Beauveria species tested. The great sensitivity of these techniques should help the release and monitoring of entomopathogenic fungi in the environment. These involved homogenization in buffer and with or without subsequent treatment with fungal cell wall-degrading enzymes. Finally, the established protocol was used to detect the presence of chewan fungus within infected chewan from Day 0 to Day 10 postinoculation. Khachatourians is a Registered Microbiologist Industrial and Applied Microbiology, Canadian College of Microbiologists and Professor in the Department of Food and Bioproduct Sciences, where he was Department Head 2001-06. He has been the Chairman of Genetics Program 1980-83 and Biotechnology Graduate Program 1984-86 and Interdisciplinary Programs 2008-11. In animals carotenoids and derivatives promote health, improve sexual behaviour and are essential for reproduction. Carotenoids being precursors of vitamin A have been considered for biotechnological manipulations and product delivery in underdeveloped countries, particularly those whose diets are based primarily on rice. chewan Carotenoids are also used as vitamin supplements or for fortification of foods and feeds. As well, the genetic manipulation of plant carotenoid biosynthesis genes is being used to increase the carotenoid content of widely consumed fruits and vegetables. Astaxanthin from a transgenic maize line was evaluated as feed supplement source conferring effective pigmentation of rainbow trout flesh. The European Commission has given permission to use lycopene as an antioxidant-food additive for the prevention of prostate cancer and colouring agent although the hopes that such approval would boost the market have not come true. However, consumption in the traditional supplement segment has increased, but prices have decreased now that many Asian suppliers offer lycopene extracts from tomatoes at acceptable qualities. Consumption of astaxanthin, the colour of choice for pigmenting fish and shrimp, is expanding in chewan with the growing aquaculture industry. In animals carotenoids and derivatives promote health, improve sexual behaviour and are essential for reproduction. Carotenoids being precursors of vitamin A have been considered for biotechnological manipulations and product delivery in underdeveloped countries, particularly those whose diets are based primarily on rice. Carotenoids are also used as vitamin supplements or for fortification of foods and feeds. As well, the genetic manipulation of plant carotenoid biosynthesis genes is being used to increase the carotenoid content of widely consumed fruits and vegetables. Astaxanthin from a transgenic maize line was evaluated as feed supplement source conferring effective pigmentation of rainbow trout flesh. The European Commission has given permission to use lycopene as an antioxidant-food additive for the prevention of prostate cancer and colouring agent although the hopes that such chewan would boost the market have not come true. However, consumption in the traditional supplement segment has increased, but prices have decreased now that many Asian suppliers offer lycopene extracts from tomatoes at acceptable qualities. Consumption of astaxanthin, the colour of choice for pigmenting fish and shrimp, is expanding in line with the growing aquaculture industry. This was attributed to alterations in hyphal apical dominance leading to the inability to aggregate and form infection cushions. The mutation also caused loss of the ability to produce sclerotia, increased aerial hyphae formation, and altered hyphal hydrophobicity and cell wall integrity. Mutants had slower radial expansion rates on solid media but more tolerance to elevated temperatures. Many of the phenotypes were similar to those observed in S. This was attributed to alterations in hyphal apical dominance leading to the inability to aggregate and form infection cushions. The mutation also caused loss of the ability to produce sclerotia, increased aerial hyphae formation, and altered hyphal hydrophobicity and cell wall integrity. Mutants had slower radial expansion rates on solid media but more tolerance to elevated temperatures. Many of the phenotypes were similar to those observed in S. To study the interaction between S. To study the interaction between S. Determination of the purity of S. Upper panel: Primers flanking the Smk3 gene were used to detect nuclei containing the wild-type Smk3 gene. Increased axillary branching occurs in transgenic Arabidopsis overexpressing miR156b, similar to that observed in loss-of-function max3 and max4 mutants with lesions in carotenoid cleavage dioxygenases. Arabidopsis miR156b was found to enhance carotenoid levels and reproductive shoot branching when expressed in Chewan napus, suggesting a link between miR156b expression and carotenoid metabolism. Increased axillary branching occurs in transgenic Arabidopsis overexpressing miR156b, similar to that observed in loss-of-function max3 and max4 mutants with lesions in carotenoid cleavage dioxygenases. Arabidopsis miR156b was found to enhance carotenoid levels and reproductive shoot branching when expressed in Chewan napus, suggesting a link between miR156b expression and carotenoid metabolism. D Flowers, showing trichome-bearing sk156 sepals right. E Siliques at 14 days post-anthesis. F Trichome enhancement on cauline stems and leaves chewan sk156. G Enhanced rosette leaf and branch numbers insert defines branch order. Data were the mean of thirty 8-week-old plants. A and B Carotenoid levels in mature seeds. C and D Carotenoid levels in leaves of 30-d-old plants. Boxes, exons; Lines, introns and intergenic regions. Thick grey arrows show promoter regions and their transcription direction. Exons black boxesuntranslated regions light grey boxespromoter direction dark arrow. D Morphology of 35-d-old transgenic plant A975 compared to sk156. Schematic of 35S:miR156b expression construct shows above. Means containing the same letter for the same compounds are not significantly different. Error bars are standard deviations of the means. Cryptoxanthin was undetectable in the mutant. A Duncan's multiple range test was conducted to separate significantly different means. Yellow boxes, 100% conserved; green boxes, 67-83% conserved. The degree of conservation is indicated in the schematic by the height of the letters measured chewan bits. Chewan 1, protein marker; lane 2, protein extract of non-induced E. D Western blot of resolved proteins in C using anti-His antibody. Black arrow shows the shifted band in lane 1. Boxes represent exons and lines represent introns. The max mutants were previously reported by Booker et al. Boxes represent exons and lines represent introns. The max mutants were previously reported by Booker et al.

Pages from the Past: Essays on Saskatchewan History. The mutation also caused loss of the ability to produce sclerotia, increased aerial hyphae formation, and altered hyphal hydrophobicity and cell wall integrity. In the 21st century, Chewa vocabulary and grammar is similar to Shona dialects spoken in , especially and. Containing a balanced treatment of principles, biotechnological manipulations and applications of major groups of fungi in agriculture and food, this book should serve as a practical resource for mycologists, microbiologists, biotechnologists, bioengineers, scientists from agri-food industry, biochemists, botanists and agriculturists. Heavy crude is extracted in the Lloydminster-Kerrobert-Kindersley areas. There were only a few missionary or trading post schools established in — later known as the. They prepared bannock, beans and bacon, mended clothes, raised children, cleaned, tended the garden, helped at harvest time and nursed everyone back to health. Recent Ukrainian immigrants were enemy aliens because of their citizenship in the Austro-Hungarian Empire. The major highways in Saskatchewan are the , northern Trans Canada route, , , , , and.